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Time flies

Since I’m in Germany, I’ve heard that one should make what the “heart” says. It was then when I told her that I would really like to find an apprenticeship as a software developer.

It has been six months again and I realized that times flies (and very fast). During these months I’ve been working as usual. I’m still working for a bio store and I can say that I’m happy there.

Two months ago, my boss asked me if I have plans for my future. We had a small meeting where I tried to explain her that I was feeling comfortable in the store and that I’d like to stay longer there. She was happy with my feedback and then she asked me something that many people have asked me before. Since I’m in Germany, I’ve heard that one should make what the “heart” says. It was then when I told her that I would really like to find an apprenticeship as a software developer.

Since then, I decided finally to go after my goal, leave the comfort zone and move forward. I asked Step Up to review my application and I receive very useful tips. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get any good answer. My plans now are to start a B2 level German course and try again next year. Everything happens for a reason, that’s why I would study hard and maybe I’d have better luck next gear.


Stipendiat seit April 2020

«A clearer vision of what’s coming next»


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Hi there again!

A clearer vision of what’s coming next

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